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Energy saving, energy reduction, efficiency and income for development

In response to the call of building a conservation-oriented society and saving energy and reducing consumption, Linyi Huaxia Heavy Industry has continuously improved its internal management level, fully tapped its internal potential, vigorously implemented energy-saving and potential-tapping measures, reduced production costs, and improved economic benefits. In order to save all kinds of production resources, we insist on saving energy from bit by bit, and take the activity of "saving one kilowatt-hour of electricity, one drop of water, one piece of paper, one drop of oil and one cent" as a long-term project. frugal behaviors such as double-sided printing of informal manuscripts and turning off the lights have become a habit and a norm in the work and life of the majority of employees, do timely turn off the power and in accordance with the operating procedures to operate a variety of equipment, greatly reducing the consumption of various materials. In order to effectively reduce the consumption of raw materials, our company strictly controls the admission acceptance and processing quality in the procurement and production of raw materials to ensure that the raw materials are used with high quality and efficiency. For the management of the company's vehicles, the company sets fuel consumption standards per 100 kilometers and gives negative incentives to drivers who exceed the fuel consumption standards. At the same time, the vehicle speed is monitored by the monitoring system to prevent the phenomenon of driving fast, improve vehicle performance and reduce abnormal maintenance costs. A series of energy-saving measures implemented by the company have effectively reduced the level of energy consumption, reduced production costs, improved economic benefits, and enhanced the company's market competitiveness to a certain extent. The company will continue to implement energy-saving work to promote sound and rapid development.



Xia Chunting: Analysis and Suggestions on the Development of Tower Crelations Industry

We now have small and large businesses, and we should unite together to do a good job in overcoming this harsh winter



Weihai Heavy Industry Attends the Municipal Energy Saving and Low Carbon Action Training Meeting

In order to speed up the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society and ensure the realization of the energy-saving goals and tasks of the 12th five-year Plan, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have organized energy-saving and low-carbon actions for 10,000 enterprises throughout the country. 16078 enterprises across the country have been listed in the list of 10,000 enterprises, energy-saving target 2. 0.5 billion tons of standard coal, 1188 enterprises in Shandong Province are listed, and the energy saving target is 25.3 million tons of standard coal. 106 enterprises in Weihai City are listed among them. On January 7 and 8, Weihai Heavy Industry, on behalf of Shandong Huaxia Group, participated in the "Weihai City 100 Enterprise Energy Saving and low Carbon Action training meeting" organized by Weihai Economic and Information Commission. The meeting invited Dezhou Energy Saving Supervision Detachment, which has rich practical experience, to give a lecture on the spot.



Shandong Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau Visited Weihai Huaxia Heavy Industry to Inspect and Guide Work

From July 17 to 18, an inspection team composed of Xue Jinming, researcher of the Special equipment Supervision and Safety Department of Shandong Provincial quality Supervision Bureau, Chen Quan of Weifang Special equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Zhou Shanshan, director of Jinan Pot Inspection Institute of Shandong Province, and Lin Weiping, chief of Special equipment Supervision and Safety Section of Weihai quality Supervision Bureau, to Huaxia Group, Weihai Huaxia Heavy Industry production of tower cranes, construction elevators manufacturing process control, quality assurance system operation, a product of a first gear, safety performance and data compliance with the requirements and other aspects of the inspection. The leaders of the provincial quality supervision bureau came to the company to hold the first meeting attended by cadres above the middle level. at the meeting, team leader Chen quan explained the contents of the inspection in detail, and sun peishan, general manager of Huaxia heavy industry, made a work report. After two days of inspection, at the last meeting held on the 18th, the four leaders agreed that Huaxia heavy Industry was worthy of being a well-known enterprise in Shandong Province and spoke highly of the quality and safety of product manufacturing. Through the inspection of the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau, it will be a promotion for us in terms of product quality and safety. We will continue to improve our work and bring our products to a new level.



Weihai Huaxia Heavy Industry successfully passed the three-system certification audit

Shandong Huaxia Group Co., Ltd. was the first in the industry to pass the ISO9001 quality system certification in 1999, and passed the environmental occupational health and safety certification in 2008. Since passing the certification, we have always adhered to the management mode of "survival by quality and development by efficiency" to reduce production and operation costs and improve economic benefits. In the environmental aspects of the first to investigate the environmental factors, the sewage, waste gas for strict control, optimize the environment, scientific management of waste gas. In terms of occupational health and safety, hazard sources are identified, and emergency plans for explosion accidents, fire, heat stroke, electric shock, falling from high altitude, mechanical injury, and food poisoning have been established. Every year, the Human Resources Department organizes physical examinations for staff in special positions to prevent occupational diseases. On March 28 this year, the Work Safety Office organized a fire extinguisher emergency escape drill. Improve the safety awareness of the majority of employees. Every year, the company regularly organizes major inspections of workshops, quality and safety, and takes timely measures to rectify problems found to prevent accidents. For three consecutive years, it has been rated as "excellent unit of management system operation" by Shandong certification center of Fangyuan mark certification group ". From July 14 to 15 this year, four certification experts from Fangyuan Mark Certification Shandong Co., Ltd. conducted an annual audit of the three systems. Through on-site observation and inspection of documents and records, they highly appraised the operation of our management system. After the audit, the audit team watched the 360-degree large-scale landscape performance "Shenyou Huaxia" and visited the Huaxia City Scenic Area and the Huaxia Mountain and Sea City Real Estate Project, leaving a deep and unforgettable impression on the rapid development of Huaxia Group.



Huaxia Group held training on enterprise performance management model

据了解,绩效管理模式源自美国波多里奇奖评审标准,以顾客为导向,追求绩效的管理理念,体现了当今世界现代管理的理念和方法,是当前国际上广泛认同的一种组织综合绩效管理的有效方法和工具。   绩效的突出特点为:一是从产品、服务质量扩展到经营的质量。绩效标准中所说的质量内涵不仅局限于产品、服务质量,而是强调"大质量"的概念,由产品、服务质量扩展到工作、过程、体系的质量,进而扩展到企业经营的质量。产品、服务质量追求的是满足客户需求,赢得顾客和市场;而经营质量追求的是企业综合绩效和持续经营的能力。产品、服务质量好,不等于经营质量一定好,但产品、服务质量是经营质量的核心和底线。卓越绩效标准对企业从领导、战略、以顾客和市场为中心,测量分析和知识管理、以人为本、过程管理等方面提出了系统的要求,最终落实到企业的经营结果,是当今国际上公认的经营质量的标准,即TQM标准。二是聚焦企业的经营结果。卓越绩效标准强调结果导向,非常关注企业经营的绩效,"经营结果"一项在标准满分1000分中占到40%--50%。但标准中所指的"绩效"不只是利润和销售额,其中还包括了顾客满意、产品和服务、财务和市场、人力资源、组织有效性和社会责任等6个方面的综合绩效,充分考虑到企业的顾客、股东、员工、供应商和社会等相关方的利益平衡,以保证企业的可持续发展。三是关注比较优势和竞争能力的提升。实施卓越绩效标准的目的,在于提升企业的竞争能力,因此特别关注企业的比较优势和市场竞争力。企业在进行战略策划时,注重对市场和竞争对手的分析,以制定出超越竞争对手、能在市场竞争中取胜的战略目标和规划;在评价绩效水平时,不仅要与自己原有水平和目标比,而是强调与竞争对手比、与标杆水平比,在比较中识别自己的优势和改进空间,增强企业的竞争意识,提升企业的竞争能力。四是提供了可操作的管理方法。卓越绩效标准不仅反映了现代经营管理的先进理念和实现卓越绩效的框架,而是提供了许多可操作的管理方法,有助于提高企业管理的有效性和效率。例如:提高组织领导力的方法;基于全面分析的战略制定和展开方法;评价绩效水平和组织学习的"水平对比法";从市场和顾客的角度评价企业产品、服务质量的"顾客满意度、顾客重视度测量的"方法;确定企业关键绩效指标体系的方法;员工绩效管理的"平衡积分卡";促进员工绩效提高的"员工权益和满意度测量"等方法。五是强调持续改进、提高成熟度。卓越绩效标准不同于ISO9000质量管理体系,不是一个符合性标准,而是一个成熟度标准。它不是规定企业应达到某个水平,而是引导企业持续改进,认识到哪些工作需要进行整合、改进和创新,发现可以改进的空间。一个卓越的企业不是没有问题的企业,而是一个能不断持续进行改进,不断完善和趋于成熟,永无止境地追求卓越的企业。   通过两天系统详细的绩效管理培训,使集团相关人员对绩效管理模式有了更深入的了解,尤其是将卓越绩效模式的相关理论与公司实际情况相结合,更好的将追求卓越绩效模式的理念全方位的渗透到企业的各个部门,为今后集团相关管理工作的有效实施提供了新思路新方法,为进一步推进企业走精细化管理道路,加快企业质量管理水平的不断提高起到了积极的推动作用。   为提升企业质量管理水平,夯实企业质量建设基础,4月7日至8日,华夏集团在华夏会馆11号楼会议室举办了为期两天的企业绩效管理模式培训班,集团中层以上领导干部全部参加了此次培训。   此次培训特邀中国质量协会理事、全国质量奖评审员、山东省省长质量奖评审组长李韶南老师主讲,采取多媒体授课和现场互动相结合,案例分析和PEST分析等练习相结合,重点讲授了企业亟需了解掌握的《绩效评价准则》及《绩效评价准则实施指南》等国家标准。


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Huaxia Heavy Industry

Mainly engaged in the production and sales of tower cranes, lifts and related accessories.
