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Tower crane use and maintenance of the basic requirements and safety points

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塔式起重机是大型产品,又是安全要求很高的产品,施工企业买台塔机很不容易,因此正确掌握使用维护知识,避免事故,延长机械的使用寿命具有特别重大的意义。一台塔机工作得好不好,固然与设计质量、制作质量关系很大。但同种型号的塔机,在不同的用户手早,发挥的作用与效益,差别可以很大,这充分说明用户使用维护得好与不好,对设备的损耗起了决定性的做用。   第一节 对用户使用、维护和管理的基本要求   塔机用户使用、维护和管理应做到:   (1)用户对塔机应当建立管理档案。包括进入施工单位的使用说明书、发货清单、备品备件、安装移交记录等,作到有据可查。   (2)必须制订塔机的维护保养制度,并严格执行。要求设备管理人员能了解自己的塔机的运行状况,是否有过什么故障,处理好没有。并有记录。   (3)正确处理好使用和维护保养的关系,不能只重使用,放松保养。实际上维护保养得好,可以大大提高使用效率,减少事故损失。   (4)必须对操作人员进行技术培训,加强使用、维护和保养的基本知识的教育,培养他们自觉地爱护机械设备的习惯和风气,掌握基本技能和技巧,严格遵守操作规程。禁止无证人员上岗操作。   (5)准备必要的物质条件,满足维护保养作业的需要。如油壶、注油枪、油杯、漏斗和专用]:具设备,按期按量提供棉纱、润滑油,按时供应所需的备品和配件。   (6)在特殊施工条件下,要改变塔机的安装施工条件,必须与供应单位取得联系和协商,不可自以为是地做出变更。必要时必须向设计单位和专业人员进行咨询。   (7)为塔机正常使用创造必要的环境条件,比如施工空间避免碰撞、灯光照明、供电环境、防水浸泡等。对操作人员,要尽可能地提供舒适、方便的工作条件,注意降温和取暖,减少他们的疲劳和分散注意力。   第二节 操作人员应有的基本安全意识   一台塔机,使用是否厂确,维护保养是否周到有效,关键是操作人员。而操作人员要清楚地意识到,自己掌握的不仅是一台大型设备,而且掌握着自己和工地上一部分人的生命安全,责任很重.必须时刻小心谨慎。作为一个操作人员,必须深刻地懂得:塔机最可怕的是倒塔,其次就是碰撞和机构的损坏。因此应千方百计防止塔机失去平衡、防止碰撞、防止过载。   1.超力矩是倒塔的根本原因   操作人员要绝对防上超力矩。造成超力矩有如下一些原因,应引起操作人员的高度注意:   (1)力矩限制器失灵或没有调整好就使用。力矩限制器只有超力矩才动作,平时不动作,同此往往不引起注意。操作人员平时要有意识地检查一下,压一压力矩限制器上行开关的触头,看一看报警钤还响不响。响即证明能正常动作。如不响,就证明有故障,应先修后操作,至于没调整好就使用,是严重违章,非常危险。最好能装力矩显示器,这样一起吊就能知道起重力矩是多少,离危险状况还有多远。操作人员应拒绝在力矩限制器不正常的情况下上塔机操作。   (1)水平斜拉起吊。塔机是禁止斜拉起吊的。但工地上完全垂直状态起吊也难作到。一般作计算时,考虑厂吊索倾斜3°(tan3°=5%)的水平力。水平分力5%,但产生的力矩可不是5%,因为水平分力的力臂是独立式高度,是比较大的。所以不可小看3’的倾斜角。最可怕的是用吊索斜拖物品,你不知道阻力系数是多大,危险性很大。所以操作人员要主动拒绝斜拉起吊。   (3)风力过大起吊。风荷会增加倾翻力矩。在使用说明书上规定禁止6级风以上作业。操作人员应引起注意,风力太大,不应去起吊。   (4)为/扩大作业面,故意短路掉力矩限制器。这是严重违章作业!严重威胁操作人员自身安全,应坚决抵制。   2.防止碰撞   (1)起重机操作人员,应在得到地面的指挥信号后进行操作。而且操纵前应当按响电铃,以提起相关人员知道,起重机将要运行了。   (2)操纵时应当精力集中,随时观察吊钩的运行情况和位置,注意周围是否有障碍物存在。下班时,吊钩必须升到最高障碍物以上位置。   、   (3)要熟练掌握重物惯性作用,提前降速和停车,还要学会稳钩技术。尤其是对回转惯性,一定要提前停车,不可到位才停午,否则臂架和重物都停不下来,对不准工位,容易碰撞。具体提前多少,要靠自己积累经验才能掌握。稳钩技术,包含一定的力学知识,不是很容易就学会的,我们后面在操作技巧里还耍介绍。   (4)当下面有碰撞对象时,尽量提早提升吊钩避免相碰,不能等到快到了才提升吊钩。因为惯性摆动常常看不准,容易发生碰撞。反之在放吊钩时,不能放得过低,以免吊钩摆动伤人。   (5)当有人在塔机上搞维修调整工作时,不得起动塔机运转。   3.防止过载   造成过载常常有以下一些情况,操作人员要注意防止:   (1)起重量限制器失灵或没有调整好就使用塔机。与力矩限制器同样的原因,因为动作不常发生就没有引起重视和注意,失灵后不知道。因此要常按一下起重量限制器开关触头,看电铃是否报警。如有故障及时排除。不调整好起重量限制器就使用塔机,是严重违章作业,潜伏着事故危险,应抵制这种作法。   (2)用起重机起吊一些超重物品,故意短路掉起重量限制器,这同样是严重违章,很容易损坏起重机,应自觉制止。

Tower crane use and maintenance of the basic requirements and safety points

Tower crane is a large-scale product, but also a product with high safety requirements. It is not easy for construction enterprises to buy a tower crane. Therefore, it is of great significance to correctly master the use and maintenance knowledge, avoid accidents and extend the service life of machinery. A tower crane work well, of course, with the design quality, production quality is very big. However, the same type of tower crane, in different users early, play a role and benefit, the difference can be very big, which fully shows that the user use and maintenance is good or bad, the loss of equipment played a decisive role.

Section I Basic Requirements for User Use, Maintenance and Management

The use, maintenance and management of tower crane users shall:

(1) The user shall establish a management file for the tower crane. Including the instruction manual, delivery list, spare parts, installation and handover records, etc. entered into the construction unit, which are well documented.

(2) the maintenance system of tower crane must be formulated and strictly implemented. Equipment management personnel are required to know the operating conditions of their tower cranes, whether there have been any failures and whether they have been handled properly. And there are records.

(3) Correctly handle the relationship between use and maintenance, not only re-use, relax maintenance. In fact, good maintenance can greatly improve the efficiency of use and reduce accident losses.

(4) Must carry out technical training for operators, strengthen the education of basic knowledge of use, maintenance and maintenance, cultivate their habit and atmosphere of consciously caring for mechanical equipment, master basic skills and techniques, and strictly abide by operating procedures. Unlicensed personnel are prohibited from operating on duty.

(5) Prepare the necessary material conditions to meet the needs of maintenance operations. Such as oil pot, oil gun, oil cup, funnel and special]: equipped with equipment, provide cotton yarn and lubricating oil on schedule and in quantity, and supply required spare parts and accessories on time.

(6) Under special construction conditions, to change the installation and construction conditions of the tower crane, it is necessary to contact and negotiate with the supplier, and it is not possible to make changes in a self-righteous manner. The design unit and professionals must be consulted when necessary.

(7) Create the necessary environmental conditions for the normal use of the tower crane, such as avoiding collision in the construction space, lighting, power supply environment, waterproof immersion, etc. For operators, it is necessary to provide comfortable and convenient working conditions as much as possible, pay attention to cooling and heating, and reduce their fatigue and distraction.

Section II Basic Safety Awareness of Operators

A tower crane, whether the use of factory accurate, maintenance is thoughtful and effective, the key is the operator. The operator must be clearly aware that he is not only a large-scale equipment, but also the life safety of himself and some people on the construction site, and the responsibility is very heavy. Caution must be exercised at all times. As an operator, we must deeply understand: the most terrible tower is the tower, followed by the collision and the damage of the mechanism. Therefore, every effort should be made to prevent the tower crane from losing balance, preventing collision and preventing overload.

1. Over-torque is the root cause of the tower fall.

The operator must absolutely prevent over-torque. There are some reasons for over-torque, which should be paid attention to by operators:

(1) the torque limiter failure or not adjusted to use. Torque limiter only over torque before action, usually do not move, the same often do not attract attention. The operator should consciously check at ordinary times, press the contact of the upward switch of the torque limiter, and see if the alarm is still ringing. Sound is proof of normal action. If it does not sound, it proves that there is a fault and should be repaired before operation. As for using it without adjustment, it is a serious violation and very dangerous. It is best to install a torque display so that you can know what the lifting torque is and how far it is from the dangerous situation. The operator should refuse to operate the tower crane when the torque limiter is abnormal.

(1) Hoisting with horizontal oblique pull. The tower crane is forbidden to be hoisted diagonally. However, it is difficult to lift completely vertical on the construction site. Generally, when calculating, consider the horizontal force of the plant sling inclination of 3 °(tan 3 ° = 5%). The horizontal component force is 5%, but the generated moment force is not 5%, because the force arm of the horizontal component force is independent height, which is relatively large. Therefore, the tilt angle of 3 'should not be underestimated. The most terrible thing is to drag articles with slings. You don't know what the resistance coefficient is and it is very dangerous. Therefore, the operator should actively refuse to lift the oblique pull.

(3) Excessive wind lifting. Wind load increases the tipping moment. It is stipulated in the instruction manual that operations above level 6 wind are prohibited. The operator should pay attention to the fact that the wind is too strong and should not be lifted.

(4) To/expand the working surface, deliberately short-circuit the torque limiter. This is a serious violation of the operation! It is a serious threat to the safety of the operator and should be resolutely resisted.

2. Collision prevention

(1) The crane operator shall operate after receiving the command signal from the ground. And the bell should be rung before maneuvering to lift the relevant personnel to know that the crane is about to run.

(2) When operating, you should concentrate on observing the operation and position of the hook at any time, and pay attention to whether there are obstacles around. When leaving work, the hook must be raised above the highest obstacle.


(3) It is necessary to master the inertia of heavy objects, slow down and stop in advance, and learn to stabilize the hook technology. Especially for rotary inertia, it is necessary to stop in advance, and it is not necessary to stop at noon until it is in place. Otherwise, the boom and heavy objects cannot stop, and the positions are not allowed to be aligned, which is easy to collide. How much in advance depends on one's own experience. Hook stabilization technology, which contains certain mechanical knowledge, is not easy to learn. We also introduce it later in the operation skills.

(4) When there is a collision object below, lift the hook as early as possible to avoid collision, and do not wait until it is almost there to lift the hook. Because the inertia swing is often not seen, prone to collision. On the contrary, when placing the hook, do not place it too low to avoid the hook swinging and hurting people.

(5) When someone is engaged in maintenance and adjustment work on the tower crane, the tower crane shall not be started.

3. Prevent overload

Overload is often caused by the following circumstances, the operator should pay attention to prevent:

(1) The tower crane is used if the lifting weight limiter fails or is not adjusted. For the same reason as the torque limiter, because the action does not occur frequently, it does not attract attention and attention, and it does not know after the failure. Therefore, it is necessary to press the contact of the lifting weight limiter switch to see if the bell gives an alarm. If there is a fault in a timely manner. Do not adjust the weight limiter on the use of tower crane, is a serious violation of the operation, lurking the risk of accidents, should resist this practice.

(2) Use a crane to lift some overweight items and deliberately short-circuit the weight limiter. This is also a serious violation. It is easy to damage the crane and should be consciously stopped.


Huaxia Heavy Industry

Mainly engaged in the production and sales of tower cranes, lifts and related accessories.
